The costs inspired by a motor vehicle collision typically exceed what the average person can easily pay. Most people don't have enough in their savings accounts to cover their own expenses for more than a few months, let alone pay for another person's lost wages and...
Year: 2023
Who should see a doctor after a car crash?
People are often unsure of what steps they need to take following a car crash in North Dakota. Oftentimes, people want to minimize the disruption that a collision causes, so they arrange for transportation from the scene of the wreck to their job or home and try to...
Can passengers file insurance claims after car wrecks?
Drivers in North Dakota are required to carry insurance, which means that there should be coverage available for those involved in a crash. Someone who is driving to work and then gets hit by another motorist could, therefore, potentially file an insurance claim in...
2 reasons truck crash claims can be harder to handle
Most drivers instinctively give big trucks as much space as possible. The very design of an 18-wheeler makes it multiple times heavier and longer than the average vehicle, as well as substantially taller and wider. Drivers can have a hard time controlling commercial...